Diameter doesn’t matter. “Enable Rotary” should be off in the rotary setup. I experimented with this and found the direct drive with a large table had too much mass to start and stop accurately. If you are just using angle, switch amperage switch 4 to full, and reduce steps to 360 unless you want to stop at 22.5, then 720. Slow the acceleration down.
I ended up building one with a 10:1 worm drive reduction, works 1000% better then the 1:1
I was wondering… we were talking about timing of the jobs relative to the rotary and the Lightburn thread being in the background. I made a comment that if these jobs were sent to the fibers memory, it should not have any effect on job time.
Oz corrected me advising that a rotary isn’t handled the same way, Lightburn waits for the rotary to complete before sending the next operation…
Turning it off may be appropriate… I’ve never tried using it with it turned off… now I’m