Just finished my Rotary unit during this lockdown. No 3D printed parts. All machined from Aluminium bar and plate. Looking forward to trying it out very soon.
Did you machine that 4020 too?
Very clean and shiny? Show us a photo of that beauty in action.
Hey Paul,
I made something similar (with 3D-printed parts). I ran into the issue that the acceleration and rapid speed for the Y-axis is way too high for a single wheel set (the bottle slips). I added a second set of wheels some 80mm further. That helped and manually setting slower speeds in device settings too.
Are you experiencing something similar with your setup?
I would like to see separate acceleration- and speed settings for the Y-axis in the rotary setup.
very nice indeed.
Continuing the discussion from My Rotary Roller Unit:
Hi Walter.
I have not used my setup or laser for a little while due to other projects but I did do a test on a bottle. In answer to your question, yes it does spin a little fast at the start of the lasering. It’s ok when initialising where it rotates slowly but when the program starts it does jump a bit. I have not investigated it further yet but I too was hoping I could change the settings for the U axis which is what I use for the rotary.
That looks really nice and clean.