My Rudia 6445 does not read LB Udisk nor can LB find my controller via usb does RDWorks OK

What am I doing wrong?

Please re-phrase this question. I do not know what you mean when you say your Ruida does not read LB Udisk.

What OS are you running? Did you install the driver at the end of the install process?

Not sure yet, as you have not provided a clear question. :slight_smile: Please share what you did and what the results are, using more wording for clarity.

I am using windows 10, I down loaded RD works 8, And the laser reads files from RD UDISK. I Downloaded LightBurn and saved file and put it on disk and it didn’t show up. I hooked my computer to laser (tried both slots) and LightBurn couldn’t find my laser. I downloaded LB about a week ago. I also bought camera and mount.(not hooked up yet). I know that it has to be me, I just don’t know what to do. I also picked rudia in manual setup and nothing.
Thanks Jim

When you install LightBurn, the last page includes a check box for the FTDI driver used by Ruida. Re-install the software and check that box. You only need to do it once.

Re Installing LB software allowed my computer to talk to laser but the thumb drive doesn’t. The only files it sees on my thumb drive is RD Works. I will reboot later and try again tomorrow.
Thank you for your help.

There’s a chance that your laser is using a different scramble key than the default, so you’d need to connect it to LightBurn so it can pick the right one, then save to a USB drive. If you email me an RD file you’ve saved from RDWorks, I can verify this.

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