Need help diagnosing a laser issue

I have attached an image of the project I am working on. In the first image you see when my machine was operating well on Friday, the second image is the output I am getting today. How do I fix this wide and inaccurate beam?

I have cleaned the mirrors, aligned the beam, cleaned and replaced the lens. I tested the focus distance to make sure that I was operating at the correct distance from the nozzle but the beam is too scattered/wide to get an accurate reading.

Please help me find the solution, I need to complete this project today.

First think that comes to mind. Is the air assist or air pump still working?

Looks to me like a huge focal error. Don’t know your machine, but your laser is badly out of focus.

Air assist is working.

I have been checking over everything. When you say focus, what specifically are you referring too?

I have made sure that all mirrors are aligned and that the focus distance is correct. I am using a 50.8mm FL lens which in my testing gave me a distance to my nozzle tip of 14 mm, which is what I am set at currently.

I am using a 100w OMtech CO2 laser.

If all the mirrors are aligned also check the focus lens is not burnt. Also check that it’s installed correctly. Convex side needs to be facing up.

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Fresh lens installed this morning, I will remove and flip just incase I have it upside down.


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Look at the distinct difference between photo 1 and photo 2. In #1, the laser left a crisp, clean line that is very thin. In photo #2, it looks like the lines were drawn with a dull crayon. The laser is not in focus, the beam appears to have been diffused ( getting wide) rather than focused (getting narrow).

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Thank you for your time, the lens was installed correctly but had a scratch. I replaced the lens and the machine is operating normally again.