I have attached an image of the project I am working on. In the first image you see when my machine was operating well on Friday, the second image is the output I am getting today. How do I fix this wide and inaccurate beam?
I have cleaned the mirrors, aligned the beam, cleaned and replaced the lens. I tested the focus distance to make sure that I was operating at the correct distance from the nozzle but the beam is too scattered/wide to get an accurate reading.
Please help me find the solution, I need to complete this project today.
I have been checking over everything. When you say focus, what specifically are you referring too?
I have made sure that all mirrors are aligned and that the focus distance is correct. I am using a 50.8mm FL lens which in my testing gave me a distance to my nozzle tip of 14 mm, which is what I am set at currently.
Look at the distinct difference between photo 1 and photo 2. In #1, the laser left a crisp, clean line that is very thin. In photo #2, it looks like the lines were drawn with a dull crayon. The laser is not in focus, the beam appears to have been diffused ( getting wide) rather than focused (getting narrow).