Need help on ruida controller

Got a question cause I’ve done something stupid….

Ruida controller on 80watt Monport.

I was engraving fine and (out of habit and not looking at the controller… this is the stupid thing I did) I pushed a wrong button…

I’m not sure which one, I think it was the reset axes button, but now, when I boot up it doesn’t adjust the bed as normal and I can only maneuver the x axis.

It’s resetting much slower now on startup.

Any help appreciated!

It would be exceedingly helpful to know which Ruida controller you have, along with a picture of the console so we can figure out which buttons are available and what they do. Knowing which button you intended to push would be helpful, too.

With that in mind, the Reset button on my KT332N does basically the same thing as the reset when the power goes on, with no changes to the settings.

AFAIK, there are no buttons with catastrophic consequences, so you may be looking at one of those coincidental failures where you did, in fact, push the right button and the controller picked that exact moment to go toes-up.

It’s a 6442 model

Are you saying that the Y axis doesn’t move?
There is nothing you can press on the panel that could permanently alter the x or y axis without entering into setting menus. that would require more than pressing a single button. The only things you could have possibly changed are the jog speed & machine origin. These changes would effect both axis.
It is possible that you may have a failing stepper motor or driver or possibly a bad connection in the wiring.

Yes, I have no travel on the y.

You have no travel when you manually jog the position? Does the the unit home both axis?

You may have a bad stepper motor, a bad driver or a faulty driver output on the controller.
I would check the machine settings first to make sure the y axis is enabled and the speed settings are correct.
If you go to the edit drop down menu you can access the machine settings. If you make a backup and upload it here someone will look at it and verify the y axis settings if you aren’t able to do it yourself.
The first thing to check are the LEDs on the controller module. Are LEDs 3 or 4 stuck on? Next, power off the laser and disconnect it from the power source. Check the connections to AXIS Y channel on the controller, check the connections to the Y Axis motor driver and the power supply. check the connections to the stepper motor(s). From there you will need to test the outputs from the controller, the motor driver and the motor windings. That’s going to require a Multimeter and someone who knows what they are doing.

I looked in settings / “diagnoses+” and found this.

That red indicator says the Y axis home switch is jammed on, assuming the gantry is not stuck at the far rear of the platform.

If the Y axis home switch is active (its internal red LED is on) and the gantry is nowhere nearby, then the switch has failed. Check for a stray piece of steel stuck to the switch, but that seems unlikely.

If the Y axis home switch is not active, then the controller input may be jammed low. Remove the wire from the home switch at the controller’s Y- terminal: if the red indicator on that Diagnostic page doesn’t go off, then the controller input has failed. If it does go off, then the switch has failed.

There are other, weirder failures, so check those out and report what you find.