Need help, Proper connection for CO2 laser power supply M100 Cloudrey with Arduino uno

Maybe someone would help me.
I need to now how to connect power supply M100 to Arduino uno.
Basically I was using 50w power supply MYJG50W.
Everything was working fine. But I want to change my power supply for a bit more power.

I have connected new power supply M100 Cloudrey exactly same way and it seems like it does weird things.
When I press test button it does work fine, Bute when want to start cutting it does nothing. I have to put mA output at max nearly 30mA. Only then laser tube has very tiny and dime laser inside.
But mA metter shows only 1mA.
Here photo of my power supply, maybe someone can draw a simple wires connection just to make me sure that I’m doing everything fine.
Btw, when I swap to old power supply everything works.

Just to verify my old connecting.
IN - 11 from Arduino
G- ground from Arduino
H and WP - connected together
L and WP - connected together through switch to one-off laser

You’re original lps should have more than enough current for your tube. It will probably give you a quicker response time, but is way overpowered for 50W. In other words you are gaining nothing and setting yourself up for a cooked tube.

What is the physical length of your tube?

Remove the H → WP connection.

Run L through your manual switch to ground, this is your laser enable.

WP is used for a water protection input, or you can ground it. However if you wire it to ground it, it could lase without coolant and damage the tube…


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Those are incorrect.

The H and L inputs enable the laser power supply:

  • H enables when high (about 5 V)
  • L enables when low (about 0 V)

Either input will work, so you must figure out which controller output enables the laser and connect it to the proper input.

The WP input is typically connected to a flow sensor switch in the water cooling loop and disables the power supply when the water is not flowing. If the machine does not have a flow sensor, that input must be connected to the G terminal.

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I know that I will cook up my tube after all.
But I wonder if I will use only 20-40 % power with new power supply it should be good enough for 50W tube.
It would be like 40 up to 80% power for tube I believe.

The length of tube is 80cm.

So why would you care if you’re willing to cook your tube ? … What you’re advocating makes no sense.

You have a tube that is more in line with a < 40W… My from OMTech was advertised as 50W and measured 43W with a Mahoney meter… it was 880mm in length… longer than yours but still about 20% less than advertised and NOT 50W.

The power output of your tube is based on length, which is where the actual amplification occurs. I’ve used this chart and find it pretty accurate.

Lets get it to work correctly and then we’ll worry about how you dial up power.

What button is this? On the physical lps?

A photo of you machine might help us help you if you can post it here … we all like diy machines anyway :grimacing:

Until then keep the power down below 50%
