Need Help Troubleshooting

I need help figuring out some of these problems. I’m trying to make some test grids to figure out proper power and speeds for cutting. I used the Shape Properties to grade the individual lines to match the power setting on the left and set my layers to range between 1-100 power adjusting speeds to match my cut speed for that column. I’m wondering why I don’t have anything show up for 5 and 10 mm/s speeds and why are my lines so wiggly? My belts are very snug and there isn’t any movement the gantry when everything is engaged. Thanks in advance!

Cut Speed.lbrn2 (101.8 KB)

Just some observations. The wiggles seem to change with speed which it looks like something is vibrating or ringing at a constant frequency

I cut this material a lot. Can get it cheap at Depot. Is not consistent from batch to batch because it’s not designed for laser cutting.
My technique is to cut a 20mm squares at various speeds and power levels. Make sure it’s in focus as that’s another variable. Look for a clean cut with brownish sides.

It doesn’t seem to be affected by the material. I think it’s happening when transitioning from travel moves to cutting. I also did a thickness calibrating tool and it had wobbles right at the beginning of the cut but resolved quickly.

If you go at or below the ‘Jumpoff speed’ in the controller you will only get minimum power.

I’m guessing that your jump off speed is 10 or 20mm/s. You can change it for each axes.

Screenshot from 2022-04-10 18-22-32

I ‘load’ a line into the machine, then vary the parameters on the controller until I cut through.

I then enter that into the material library of Lightburn…

This is a z axes focus jig cut on my China Blue 50 watt… 3mm thick basswood ~ 13mm/s @ 80% 2" lens.

No wiggly lines…

Good luck


That solved my issue of it not firing at the 5 and 10, but didn’t change the wobbles in my line. Any suggestions for that?? Thanks!

It’s more than likely something isn’t snug, like belts, lenses & lens tube… Do a good ‘eyeball’ of all the mechanical to ensure all is snug and tight.

Your lens in the lens tube can be loose, that’s what I meant by lenses

Never thought the jumpoff speed would correct the wobble…

The wobble is in the Y axes, I’d check those first.

Was the jumpoff speed 10 or 20?

Good luck


Thanks! My jumpoff was actually set to 30 as default.

Mine was 20, surprised it was that high… one more thing to stick in your brain… :crazy_face:

Good luck


Just checked my belts, mirrors, lens, tube…all snug. Dunno!

That doesn’t look like anything but a mechanical adjustment. Some of these can be subtle.

Do you know how to check the Y belts?

Sorry, running out of gas, heading for bed…

Let’s sleep on it and see if either of us has an epiphany overnight.


I ended up changing my Acc factor, G0 Acc factor, and Speed factor all to 0. I don’t really know how this will affect more practical cuts, but it did the trick!

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Looks much better…

Those are really thick lines, so I question your focus or some other optical problem.

Suggest a ramp test to ensure what your real focus point is.

I cut lots of plywood with a 2" lens and have a much smaller kerf


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