I am having an issue while trying to burn an array of coin tokens on my Monport 80 W co2 laser engraver. I am using MacBook M2 Pro Sonoma 14.5 Lightburn 1.7.00.
Mt bed is flat and I measured laser gap setting at all four corners, as well as the center of a 12 X 12 piece of 3mm baltic birch plywood.
I tested my design and was satisfied with the outcome I expected. Then I created a 6 column X 6 row using the array function. When I burned it I get 36 different coins? It almost seems to me that Lightburn is treating the array as one instead of 36 individual coins. What am I missing. See pic and screenshots of layer settings.
What exactly do you mean by you got “36 different coins?” My first question would be why are you running a 45 degree scan angle on a Gantry machine? That’s going to likely give some weird results. But, with wood also, you’re going to get varying degrees of darkness across the piece, due to differing grain, etc. in the wood. It’s not 100% consistent, it’s a natural product and has variations in it.
Steve, What I meant is that each coin is different in that some are shaded at top, some shaded right, left & center coins have no shading, if that makes sense.
Second I’m new at this so I was following a video on Youtube in which these coins were made using first crosshatch & a later video using 45 positive & negative angles.
Finally, I was able to figure out what my problem was. If you look at my cut settings editor, the radio button Fill all shapes at once is selected? I went back and selected the Fill shapes individually radio button & all my coins now are exactly the same as the bottom left coin in my picture.
Now I just have to play with the power & speed settings to lighten things up.