Need suggestions on 50w replacement tube

I have a 50w blue/white laser. 12" x 20" bed size. I need to buy a replacement tube. I know the ones that come with the machine are not true 50w but overpowered to get close. I’d like to get one that fits without modifying the case but as close to true 50w that I can get. Also not wanting to break the bank. Looking for suggestions.


How long is your tube and/or the cavity you have to put one?

I replaced mine with a Cloud Ray 45W.

I run it at 40W max… and don’t exceed 45W - ever

Ensure the length will fit into your machine…



Thank you for the info. Actually that is the exact tube I had saved in my Amazon list to purchase. I was just trying to see if anyone had any other suggestions.


Note that many vendors have … peculiar … warranty restrictions depending on where you buy:

If your products are not purchased from our official website, but purchased through Cloudray store on shopping platforms (Amazon,ebay, Aliexpress etc.), we will not be responsible for your order directly.

That applies even when you buy from their “official” storefront you might think actually represents their business.

Caveat very much emptor.