Neje 2s Plus A40640 no beam any more

Today while using my laser it was working perfectly.
When started to make mine second project there is no beam any more.
Did anyone had same experience please?
Any advice?

Is red light still lit on laser?

Yes. Red light still there. Pulsing as usual

Can you manually fire laser?

How to do that please?

In move window.

Guide to mechanical adjustments and maintenance

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I tried manually, no light.
Took the lens off and still nothing.
Disassembled unit and cleaned it, still nothing.
Checked all connections and they all look ok.
Any advice what to check next please?

Check the cabling if there is a signal coming through.

How to check that please?

You could use a multimeter and measure if there is any voltage if you send a power signal.

I don’t have a multimeter.
Maybe my friend have it.
Can you please advise what kind of set up on multimeter needs to be and where to connect it, on which wires please?

The connector of the laser head usually has three pins. One is 12 or 24V, one is ground and the last one is the signal wire. This should have 5V at full power output. Maybe the friend can check this.

Hi Melvin.
I borrowed multimeter from my friend.
Set it up like on the picture:

These are the wires:

When connecting Red and Yellow i was getting around 3.04, when pressing Fire in Lightburn then I was getting around 3.60.
When connecting Red and Green or Red and Black I was getting around 12+.

What do you think about that results and set up of the multimeter?