New to diode lasers, when I abort a job on my co2 laser it goes to the original starting point for the job but on the NEJE it stops at point it was at when I hit the Stop button.
Is there any way to get the NEJE to behave like my CO2?
New to diode lasers, when I abort a job on my co2 laser it goes to the original starting point for the job but on the NEJE it stops at point it was at when I hit the Stop button.
Is there any way to get the NEJE to behave like my CO2?
Found an item relating to this were Oz said Stop is treated as an Emergency Stop and suggested using User Orrigin. This seems like a workable solution but I am confused on why the Ruida based CO2 returns to start position but NEJE does not.
Can anyone shed light on this difference in behavior??
Ruida controllers include several options for the end-of-job return point, including (IIRC) “do nothing”. Moving to a predefined location almost always works, because the laser head never touches anything on the platform.
GRBL controllers evolved on low-end hardware with the CNC machine-tool mindset of “stop on error”, which is a sensible response under nearly all conditions: dragging a milling cutter through steel after a crash never ends well.
Basically, they behave differently because they’re utterly different.
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