Neje A40640 feedbacks

well there is only a way to have air assist directly in the cut no matter if you raise or lower Z… replace your air pipe with this like i’ve done just an year ago, and you will notice the difference :wink:

Yep. So to start I bought a 100 gallon fish tank air pump (25 ish buck) and I knew there was 0 possibility of that working 30+mm away so I rigged up the tube which was a heck of a thing to do. I might take a pic of it because it is a heck of a bend.
In any case, It is coming down near vertical and the laser still had about 15mm clearance.
After cutting and engraving a few things I feel like its OK but the way you are saying with a compressor would be ideal and I do have a compressor across the room with a long hose. I do really like the engraving this way though and I will use it more. It comes out a nice gold color.

I do plan to try the way you went though. Perhaps you could answer my solenoid question?
I have the nozzle and such already but the only solenoid I have has a 120v wall plug. This is not the one from neje so I’m trying to figure out if I can convert what I have to work first. If you know anything about converting a solenoid with a 120v wall plug to the 12/24v neje board plug please let me know. The solenoid was for a co2 tank that triggered off ph if that matters and it looks like you can just unscrew a cap and detach the wires so maybe it will work…? I have no idea,

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you can use a stepdown,
i have found this one but i don’t know if is what you are looking for. You must give it a try

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I suggest you contact your electronics friend for help.

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