NEJE E40 vs A40640

Hi guys,
I am wondering which of these would be better choice - NEJE E40 vs A40640
I am running NEJE Master 2S plus with stock device and I would like to upgrade
I am not sure what would be better choice - primarly I focus on wood engraving and just a bit of cutting. More specifically when it comes to cutting, it is mostly about 3-4mm playwood currently

Any suggestions?

Which one will mount most easily?

The E40 appears to be longer, but they don’t give specifications here on that.

Both produce about the same watts. The spot size on the 40640II is 0.04x0.06mm and has a variable focus.

The spot size of the E40 is is 0.03x0.04mm and fixed focus.

Maybe @misken can give you another view…


I think those spot sizes are far from reality, but anyhow :slight_smile: I don’t know these modules and can’t tell anything about the actual quality, but if you choose between manual and fixed focus, I’d always choose fixed focus. It’s very fiddly to get the right focus with a manual lens adjustment, I think.

I’m just repeating what’s in their advertisement…

You don’t think the Chinese are telling us the truth here? :man_shrugging:
