I know this has been asked before and just read a couple but don’t think their is a dignities answer. (Part of me wishes I found this forum before buying neje because the app is crap lol)
When I use neje app I can happily “carve” at 100% and 4mS and it makes a substantial mark in the material.
Setting lightburn to 100% power I can not replace this.
I love lightburn because I can cut things, but feel I spending more time with multiple passes then actually needed
Hopefully someone can help or even say that it isn’t possible to get lightburn to give the same 100%
Think I was doing it as you were access hope both videos are viewable.
After doing a test run on neje app and lightburn with both same size and same amount both look pretty identical to the eye,. But the machine runs totally different.
I have a nozzle coming at weekend to add air assist to it which should assist with my cutting I hope
No both setting were for images to be carved/engraved,. Only difference is I think lightburn used inbuilt dither where as neje has used greyscale lines possible