Neje Master 2 Konfiguracja (Configuration)


Mam problem z LB. a mianowicie moje Neje Master 2 całkiem inaczej zachowuje się pod aplikacją z Neje a inaczej na LightBurnie.

  1. Moc lasera w LM jest słabsza niż przy aplikacji Neje

  2. Nie mogę ustawić szybkości poruszania się osi X i Y przy kadrowaniu, w Neje zasuwa a tu się strasznie ślimaczy.

Czy jest szansa jakoś to poustawiać?


I have a problem with LB. namely my Neje Master 2 behaves quite differently under the Neje application and differently on LightBurn.

The laser power in the LM is weaker than in the Neje application

I can’t set the speed of movement of the X and Y axes when cropping, in Neje it slides and here it snails terribly.

Is there any chance to put it back somehow?

Can you provide the following:

  1. Screenshot of Device Settings
  2. Output of these commands in Console:

Framing speed is based on speed set in Move window. Adjust speeds there to change framing speed.

Oczekiwanie na połączenie…


Grbl 1.1f [‘$’ for help]




Target buffer size found


Powrót do punktu bazowego








































Target buffer size found


where is Move window?

Also, please include a screenshot of Edit->Device Settings window.

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$30=1200 ? Should it be 1000?

Niestety ta funkcja po zmianie nie pomogła .

Unfortunately, this function after the change did not help.

In the report you generated, $30=1200.
It’s unusual but not unrealistic.

To make the Laser Power fully controlled by LightBurn, please open the Device Settings window and set ‘S value max’ equal to whatever value is assigned to $30.
Some systems use $30=255, others use $30=1000 and anything is allowed as long as they match.

Once these values match the communication of percentage power will be accurate. You will be able to enjoy the full power and full control of the laser.

As far as travel speeds go, the $110, $111 are the X & Y maximum rate in mm/minute.

These are quite slow for a belt driven Diode Laser.
In the Console Window in LightBurn enter the following as a test:
pressing enter after each one.
…then test to see if the settings persist by entering $$ and pressing return again.

This document on GRBL settings may be of interest:

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