Everything is working and burning correct with my settings. The issue i’m having is the Machine auto homes and goes to front left like it is suppose to but when there it reads x0 y460 I can not get it to read x0 y0 so when i place and image it isn’t reading the machine bed properly.
when the image is placed in the lower left where the home is suppose to be the machine then goes to the lower right corner and burns there.
The x and y motion all works correctly it seems to be treating my x axis as the y axis and my y as the x axis. I can’t figure out how to change this
The matching has to limit switches used for homing they are in lower left. The machine homes and moves find the grid is flipped.
I changed the x and y values I still get y is 460 when homed but can now tell somewhat how the grid is played out. So it homes in lower left but on grid and light burn it is top left
Willie not sure what you mean, I changed my grid but it still doesnt show right on light burn the y axis is flipped on the grid. It shows home lower left but in order to print on my lower left of machine I have to place image on top left of lightburn grid
Assuming the MAX is set up the same as the PLUS: Homing position is NOT origin but top left (+y-max, x=0). Just rotate your machine (or your mental image of it) by 90°.
PS: Do not mess with $23 on a NEJE board. They have patched grbl to support homing to +y and other homing modes can malfunction.