Neje master 2 plus s 40 w

Hello, i just bought neje master 2 plus s 40w and it is impossible to connect to lightburn, does someone knows what i should do?

Hi @pires. See this tutorial in youtube. It´s in Rusian but the guy shows the step by step so you will understand how to configure it. I hope this helps you.


Thanks I tryed to uninstall everything and do as in the video but I don’t have the profilefile.lbdev for neje master 2 plus s 40w, I don’t know where to find it.
I asked to Neje services but no answers yet, I guess I have to wait or if someone could help. Thanks for answering

@pires, you can find the Neje Master 2 profile here for download (I realized that also the whole procedure in english). Go to the “Step 4” section of the post (see image below) and there you will find the link to download the device profile file. IMPORTANT: It´s looks the file is for Neje Master 2 (the small) so it´s only a matter to modify the dimensions to Master 2+ once you have the engraver running.
Hope it works. Cross finger :slight_smile:

Ok thanks, I will try tomorrow and I keep you inform. Thanks a lot
And merry Christmas

Hello, thanks for replying, I do did what you said but it didn’t work.
After trying everything I could I finally found. In nejetool updater there is three possibilities for gbrl updater, I tried all.
It seems that the one 115200.bauds is the right one to work at first with light burn.
Then I had to configure the lazer manually on lightburn and it worked.
There is just one issue, it seems that lightburn doesn’t use all power of lazer, but anyway that was big step ahead.
Thank for the help :blush:

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