NEJE Master s2 Max not burning evenly


$RST=* will change the sizes
to 150 150 150 on $130 $131 $132

Regarding accelerations
here in the forum you will find most people changes the $120 and $121 to 500
Here your milage might vary
P.S. You can copy/paste the FULL list above fom $0 to $132 into console it will assimilate them all (or should)

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Gasp! YOU have an S2 Max!!!??? :scream:

I have more machines that i should, i am a hoarder!
All brands, all types, shapes sizes!
Doctors say i am uncorrectable :smiley:

Thank yall sooo much! I will try those when I get home this afternoon!

Ok guys. I have everrything going my way excepy now it is overburning!!! But it is burning now… I am running it a 4000 mm/50power. What do i need to change!! I have a job that has to be finished by 1:30 tomorrow

Your settings worked great! Can you tell me how to get the preview time and the run time to be the same?

please help. all setting are great except still over burning and preview time is way off!!

Important step is to go to edit → device settings → Read from controller
The “sim” is ±10% dont take it as gospel

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