Neje Max 4 z axis slipping

Neje max 4 z axis fetting hung when moving up or down manually or trying to hone. I hear grinding and it gets stuck and homing codes pop up on my control panel. I have to help it raise with my hand. This seems like a motor issue, not sure. Any input?

Probably something binding it up.

Although this guide is written for Sculpfun lasers, it goes over many of the tests & adjustments required to tune up any desktop diode laser:

You’ll probably find the frame is misaligned, the rollers have gotten stuck, or some screws are loose.

Stepper motors are pretty much indestructible compared to everything else, but the setscrews holding the pulleys on their shafts can work loose and cause all manner of trouble.

Go over everything with a careful eye looking for anything loose or misaligned. With the power off, you can push the laser head & gantry by hand: when it stops moving easily & smoothly, look for the cause.

Good hunting!