Neje Max4 stops during or at the end of the project

Hello.After completing the project, the machine remains in busy mode. I have to disconnect the power supply and the USB connection because to return to the original form. I tested 3 times and the result was the same.Neje Support said to direct the question to Lightburn.Below I have attached a video with the problem. What could be the cause?

Is the problem with Lightburn or Neje?

Are you seeing an Alarm or error message in the Console window when your laser stops? I didn’t see one, but the tab switched over to the Laser window at that point in the video.

In any case, this is likely not a LightBurn issue, but a connection issue. Your laser may be losing connection due to a loose USB connection, a USB port sleeping, static discharge causing the controller to reset, or insufficient power supply leading to a brown out condition.

Check your USB connection, and try a new, shielded USB cable. Route your USB so that it avoids the stepper motors or anything else that could cause electrical interference. Make sure that your machine is properly grounded. Make sure there are no devices on the same circuit as your laser that could be causing a power drop or brown out.

Here are some additional resources to help you troubleshoot these issues:

Thanks, I’ll check.

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