Nema 23 stuttering

I can not get my Nema 23 motors to move properly, they stutter back and forth when I try moving them, I think my dip switches are off, does anyone know what they should be for this motor? This is the same motherboard from my previous post I got it to work, I just had to buy a new head, but now can’t get the z axis to move without stuttering. Also for the record I tried to use the driver on the motherboard and it doesn’t move at all so I thought adding the driver would help it move better.
Thank you in advance,

I didn’t check the specifications closely, but did you check the wiring? Stuttering is usually caused by a wrong order of wires of the motor.

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Hello, I checked the color of the motor to the driver, and it seems correct, maybe my other side (the enable, step, and direction pins) might not be right then, I’ll check that when I get home thank you

There is no standardized color scheme for nema motors. Colors don’t mean anything. You need to measure or test the wires and coils.

Okay thank you for your response, I can’t seem to get the right combo for these, would anyone happen to know how to check what wires are what when it comes to enable, direction, and pulse? I also am having some step loss on my y axis aswell it works but then stops working and idk why any help would be appreciated :grin:

I would set 2.5 to 2.7 for current and 16 for micro step.

I have this stepper driver too, but idk the right dip switch config for this one tho, does anyone know what the dips need to be for that Nema 23 I had shown above?