Nepřipojí se k LightBurn (It will not connect to LightBurn)

Dobrý večer v ostatních portech mám pouze myš a klávesnici.
Omlouvám se moc dobře neumím s tímto programem, snažím se učit ale jde to pomalu, spoustě věcem nerozumím ale snažím se je naučit. ano používám tento notebook Windows 11.

Good evening, in other ports I only have mouse and keyboard.
I’m sorry, I’m not very good with this program, I’m trying to learn but it’s slow, I don’t understand a lot of things but I’m trying to learn them. yes i am using this Windows 11 laptop.

Ano spojilo ale musel jsem to nahrát ze zálohy, někdy se to rozjede samo po připojení a někdy to musím obnovit ze zálohy, ale vše nastavení musím provádět znova… :frowning:

Yes, it connected, but I had to load it from a backup, sometimes it starts by itself after connecting, and sometimes I have to restore it from a backup, but I have to do all the settings again… :frowning:

Ano nechápu proč mi to dělá zapnu stroj a někdy naskočí a propojí se, a když se nespojí tak musím jít do zálohy a obnovit to, jiným způsobem se mi to nepodařilo rozhýbat.

Yes, I don’t understand why it does this to me, I turn on the machine and sometimes it jumps and connects, and when it doesn’t connect, I have to go to backup and restore it, I couldn’t get it to work in any other way.

I would like to know if OneDrive is interfering with LightBurn. It doesn’t happen for all users but it happens often enough that it’s worth testing.

In Windows Explorer, From the C: Drive, please search for lbprefs. When you find them, Right Click one file and select ‘Open File Location’.

Click the address Bar at the top of the Windows Explorer. This should offer you the Full File Path. Please select and copy the full file path and paste it into a reply here.

Thank you.

Hello, can we connect via TeamViewer?

Because of the mass produced nature of laser engravers we discuss technical matters publicly. If a technical problem happens once it is bound to happen several times with several people.

Watching your new video, it sounds like there are two fans running, A high-note cooling fan and a lower drone noise like an air assist pump. I think i see an air hose approaching the forward edge of the right hand side of the laser engraver.

Compressors and air pumps can cause interference.

Please unplug the compressor and test your connection again.

I had similar connection problems with a nearby exhaust fan. I found that a long extension cord and powering the fan on another circuit attenuated the interference allowing for reliable connection.

Kompresor je vypnutý, ale je pravda že pod strojem mám zapnutý odtah při řezání…
jsem na Facebookové stránce a tam to také pár lidí řeší. omlouvám se ale nemohu nikde najít složku lbprefs proto jsem chtěl propojit přes teamviewer.
ale odpozoroval jsem když zapnu pc poté stroj a počkám tak to někdy naskočí, a když né tak musím nalézt den kdy to fungovalo a zase se mi to propojí, ale nastavení které jsem měl uložené musím provádět znovu.

The compressor is turned off, but it is true that I have the exhaust on under the machine when cutting…
I’m on the Facebook page and there are also a few people dealing with it. I’m sorry, but I can’t find the lbprefs folder anywhere, that’s why I wanted to connect via teamviewer.
but I noticed that if I turn on the PC and then the machine and wait, it sometimes starts up, and if not, I have to find a day when it worked and it connects again, but I have to redo the settings I had saved.

Please temporarily close LightBurn and open the “Documents” folder and type lbprefs into the search bar (top right).

If some of the lbprefs files are damaged they may be smaller but not always.

When you find the files, change the view to Detailed so you can see the file size.

Select a few of the Larger ones and copy them to your desktop. (not just move and copy the file - not a link or shortcut to the file) A smooth way to do this is to Select the files and use Ctrl C and click on the desktop and use Ctrl V.

From the Documents folder click the up arrow next to the address box (that says “Documents” and click it, but watch for the words “OneDrive” to appear.
keep clicking it until you run out of changes. If you don’t see OneDrive, then this can’t be the cause. If you do see OneDrive, it may be at least partly responsible.

Bohužel složku se mi nepodařilo najít. není tam žádná taková.

Unfortunately, I could not find the folder. there is none like that.

Please open the C: Local drive and begin the search for the lbprefs files.

It is good news if the OneDrive file is not involved.