New 80 Watt CO2 Laser Maschine

Can anyone recommend this machine?
Does anyone have experience with this supplier?
I’m sorry I can not find the ad in English.

I have contacted the seller to hear why there is a 300 euro difference in transport to Denmark and Germany, it will also give me a first impression of how responsive the seller is.

Two negatives off the top of my head. It’s an 80W tube in a 60W cabinet. I did the same thing and hate not having the full cabinet / cutting bed size. It will most likely have an 18mm lens in a nozzle with M20 threads. Most nozzle / lens tubes on line will be M22.for a 20mm lens.

Are you sure about the size ?, it looks so big to me also in the picture with the measurements.

with the nozzle / lens you are probably right, but it does not cost much to switch to something better

You have an 80W machine with a tube extension box off the back right. That makes it a 60W cabinet with an 80W tube in it. A full 80W cabinet will be a few more dollars and not have the tube extension. It may be slightly larger, but not a lot. Notice the dimensions DON’T include the tube extension. They can put an even longer tube extension and pop a 100W tube and PSU into the same machine. The main cabinet is within a few cm of my 60W / 80W hybrid, mine’s just red and black instead of blue and black.

The problem I have is that it will most likely have 20mm mirrors and an 18mm lens, and that 18mm lens comes with the M20 nozzle thread. I fought that from day one, and had some very creative solutions. My first was to get over length adapters from Russ as I didn’t have a pass through and had to feed long material through the lower door. If you haven’t seen them, check out his videos. Lots of good info there along with some British humor.

My second to latest configuration uses some M20 x M22 aerator adapters. Works great, just no Z adjustability. Finally broke down and ordered his lightweight head. Hell, between all my mods I almost have enough extra parts to build the next one from scratch. You can check out my Google Mod Page if you want to see my nozzle adventure.

Thank you so much for your reply, Dave.
Regarding machine dimension, I have only focused on the working area and how long the laser tube is. I am well aware that it is an extension to the different lengths depending on which pipe is being sold. My problem is that I have very limited access to my workshop, down to the basement with stairs and angles and I really hope that I get transported a machine with a 500x700 workplace to its destination.
I am not pressured to buy and will keep an eye on the perfect offer with a 20mm lens system and it would also be nice if a small air compressor was included in the purchase.
I have looked a bit at your pictures and am very impressed, fine work, especially the military logos are very detailed and fine.

Russ - I know him very well and I love his sense of humor. I’ve seen everything from him regarding laser except the last fiber laser programs.

now I have read and seen your modifications, well done :+1:

Just as an FYI, for me, that tube extension box is around 25cm taking your total width out to 145cm. My best suggestion if you get a full cabinet type machine like this is to borrow an appliance dolly and tip it on it’s end. The other option is to buy one that looks more like it’s sitting on a stand. You will have some to a lot of screws to split the machine from the stand, but you wind up with something half the height to worry about. Probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 35 - 40cm.

On the air, a lot of these machines are shipped as engraving machines, and have a TINY built in compressor, hence it not being listed as a separate item even though it lists air assist as a feature. Another reason to want the M22 threaded nozzle. A change from engraving to cutting as a simple nozzle change. With the M20, you will go through what I did. I’m just glad I happened on the aerator adapters, who would have thought that a laser fix would be found in the plumbing department.

If you look at the first pics on my Google page, you will see the difference between a cutting set up and an engraving set up in the nozzles. Cutting with an engraving set up puts you a a rough 40% disadvantage, not to mention the ‘dirty’ cuts you will get with very poor air flow. I have a feed from my big shop compressor, and run 5 psi for acrylic, and 15 psi for my Premium MDF.

Another FYI, the MDF you get in the home store is NOT the same as the Premium MDF you would use in a laser. The premium is also sometimes called double refined.

i have noted down your nozzle modifications for cutting and engraving and i will go the same way

What a lot of modifications!

Also the ultimate air assist… with multiple air selenoids…

Which modification gave you the most bang for your buck?

Dollar wise, the multiple air assist. I picked up the regulators at the local discount shop. The first air assist with the single solenoid was the big step when I connected to my shop compressor and could run 15 psi for cutting the MDF. The multi solenoid came from the necessity of shutting the air off when the laser was not in use, and doing a bit of back and forth between acrylic and MDF and forgetting to change the pressure.

Next would be the mods to let me use the 4" lens for cutting thicker material. I was fighting cutting thicker stuff even with my 2.5". Put the 4" in and I can cut 1x6 clear pine with a few extra passes. Those the the last of the sample pics.

The aluminum angle bed is a bit misleading, as I have a source for left over angle from job sites. I have 1/2", 3/4", and 2" angle set ups. I like the 2", but the drop through of small pieces can be problematic. The 3/4" is my ‘normal’ set up.

One I finally got around to doing that doesn’t really show up in pics is my Z drive base cover. I put a spacer under the back edge to give it a bit of forward slope so all the bits will go forward and drop into the front tray.

You know, I was wrong, the best mod dollar wise was the little stubs of all thread and the coupling nuts to let the door shocks open straight up. I was CONSTANTLY hitting my forehead on the edge of the door. the lower edge was just above my sight line as I leaned over.

My favorite mod is a tie between the console extension and adding switches and indicators, and the heating controls via temp controlled relays. The first more visible, but the second a bit more intricate.

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