Hello, I’m new to laser engraving and Lightburn. I’ve learned a lot from the tutorials online but I just can’t figure this out. I have an image of a Celtic knot that I want to cut from wood, that follows the contour of the outer perimeter. I cut out the inner part already - that was easy because it was just a circle. But now I don’t know how to isolate the outside border as a “line” layer so that I can assign laser parameters to cut it. I’ll upload the image to help. Thanks!
Cabin Trim 2.lbrn2 (228.6 KB)
Joe, welcome on board… If I understand the question…
Something like this?
Cabin Trim 2.lbrn2 (244.8 KB)
Selected the object, applied ‘offset’
I grouped them…
You can select the outer line and apply an offset to make it closer or further from the object.
Make sense?
Hi Jack,
Yes! Thank you for your help! I wasn’t using the group and ungroup function correctly. Cheers
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