New laser lights up but does not engrave/cut even on 100%

Hi, I’m coming with a solution I did not find on this forum. The question above was asked many times. Usually the problem is with the S value, set up laser power too low and similar.
What my problem was that by default on new installation of LB I had preset speed for CO2 laser which are in mm/s, but my Diode laser should be using mm/min.
On the layer, the speed number itself was as expected, just in wrong units and therefore way too fast for the laser to engrave/ cut.
When changed to mm/min, the speed number jumped up.

I realized this was the issue when I set up speed 500 for cutting and the laser head was too fast to what I’m used to at that speed. Even with this piece of information I could not find a good solution, then I went through the settings for a millionth time and noticed the mm/s vs mm/min.
Hope this helps someone…
Screenshot 2024-07-11 132433
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Screenshot 2024-07-11 132451


This actually has been mentioned many times, but once more improves the chances of it being found.


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