New lightburn camera not working

I need some help with my camera set up. I hooked the camera up to my computer, turned the computer on. waited for the system to identify the camera, which it did not do. Tried to manually find the camera. No luck.
What can I do?
Operating system is win 10 on an hp laptop. all updates have been done and drivers updated.

Do you get the “Ding” when you plug it in? Do your system security settings or anti-virus software disallow camera use? Check those first.

These are not the same issue. The first is the operating system not identifying the camera at all, either because of a missing driver, or a faulty camera. The second is unclear - you said Windows identified it, installed the driver, and said it was ready to use.

Do you see an image when you select the camera in the Camera Control window? Is it just a problem when trying to calibrate it?

Responding in your other thread. And I’m not correcting for you - it’s for anyone reading along in the future so they understand these are likely different issues, not the same one, as it makes it easier for us to figure things out. If your computer doesn’t see the camera at all, that’s one thing. If the computer sees it but the software doesn’t, it’s quite a different set of things to look at - I do this as much to help my other support folks as anything, so it’s not just correcting you. Apologies if it comes across as such.

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