Open file in Lightburn after saving and pull it back up but file cannot be found on the screen. Scroll back and forth but will not come up. Some will come up but are really small on the screen and having to enlarge. Enlarge, save and re-open same problem. What am I not doing correctly in saving or opening. Saving from SVG to Lightburn.
Can you show in screenshots what you’re experiencing?
On slide one there is a red dot, scroll back and forth and cannot find file. Over in cut/layers I can see it is open. On slide two I have a red and green dot very small. I can expand the green dot when I find it. Enlarge and save. Come back to re-open and may not find it again or again very small. How can the size be locked on the screen for better finding?
Are you saving to a cloud drive? If so, there are known issues with cloud drive saves. Try saving to local storage in that case and see if the problem persists.
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