Newbie: Best Settings for Clean but Quicker Engrave on Pine

Hey everyone, I’m new here and using the XTool D1 10w. I’ve had some really great success so far in just burning some basic line art formations onto 10inch and 6 inch pieces of pine. Tonight I did a burn for a friend who is into some esoteric / religious stuff. I ran my design at 95 power and 100 speed and it came out perfect. The only thing was, it took an hour and a half. I am curious if i am missing something in settings or should be using a faster speed?

This is a picture of the design I burned: Dropbox - 20A51402-5FBF-4A70-980D-352BF5545A8D.jpeg - Simplify your life

I am referencing to show you that is what took 1.5 hours. I want a dark burn but also a deep engrave so the lines are clean but deep as well. Right now using my settings the lines are perfect but the lines are not too “deep”. Is this where the amount of passes comes in? Also, any suggestions on my speed etc… or should this really have taken 1.5 hours?

I appreciate the assistance and responses ahead of time. I know this is pretty basic for a lot of you but I am just starting off. I have noticed the red “shield” on my XToolD1 is a little foggy from the heat the laser puts out… I’m assuming this is normal? I dont think the laser is burning the shield.

Thanks for your help ahead of time.

That looks perfect.

Some of the Fill operations are faster than others. Are you willing to share your LightBurn lbrn/lbrn2 file here?

If you’re at 95% power you’re going to sacrifice the engraving effect when speed increases. If you want to produce faster engravings a CO2 laser might be what you’re looking for.

Two things I can think of when it comes to the red “shield” on your XToolD1 - smoke accumulation or chemical impact from the materials off-gassing could produce a foggy effect. I would try cleaning the shield with warm water, dish detergent and a soft cloth. Does it come off the engraver head easily?

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Hey John. Sure! As soon as I get home later I’ll post it up. Thank you so much for helping me

Some people suggested like a speed of 1500 at 50% power and 3-4 passes but it literally didn’t even mark the wood lol. The shield…. I’ve only used pine. I think k accidentally burned mdf once but it was outside and I was inside. So crisis averted bud I learned quickly not to burn that.

I haven’t tried cleaning anything because I haven’t ever taken the laser off lol.

Do you think maybe speed of 500 at 60% 3-4 passes would be better or should I just keep getting these dark engraves at high power lower speed with smoke?

I’ll post the file later. But what settings can you recommend.

Getting air onto the bright-spot will help marking and cutting.


Because you’re working with pine i’d suggest you may have rosin or turpentine with the smoke. Don’t use isopropyl alcohol to clean the polycarbonate/acrylic/perspex/lexan/plexiglass shield. That’s one thing that plastic really reacts oddly with.

Damn… Is that bad? I know its untreated pine. Also here is the file im using

TableOfPractice2.lbrn2 (670.8 KB)

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