Contents from Console can be selected and copied to any other program including notepad.
Thanks for that…will remember in case I need to in future…
Merlin if you haven’t already done so please spend $15-20 and put limiters on. I waited two months and spent many many hours before tryouts to solve your types of problems. Once installed you then have option for it to home everytime and always if not turned off will be able to consistently start over.
Thanks Gary…was thinking of doing it soon, found some I have stored away a couple years ago for a small cnc I was playing with…
Found some instruction for installing them for the S9 in English and Chinese. But those ones are a bit different… But can’t be to hard hey???..
Just gotta make some brackets…
I know this is a little off topic, but right after I bought a laser without limit switches I bought a 3D printer so that I could print fixtures to hold them. If you don’t have one it’s a great compliment to laser engraving, and if you do, (and is a great place to find what you need to attach the switches to your laser. A person can’t have too many hobbies you know.
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