After Tuesday’s windows update Lightburn keeps waiting for connection. I have done the following:
Re-installed the USB to serial driver ( 3.9.2024.9)
Reinstalled Lightburn 1.7.03 over itself ( no uninstall)
Uninstalled Lightburn 1.7.03 and reinstalled it
reinstalled the Version 14.42.34433 version of Visual C ++
Reverted back to 1.6.03
uninstalled the device from device manager, uninstalled lightburn, reinstalled lightburn
Let it sit connected for a few hours ( last time I had a similar issue it just started working a couple hours later so figured it couldn’t hurt)
Tried uninstalling and reinstalling 1.7.01, 1.7.03 and 1.7.04 ( one installs 2010 C++
I have compared the port in device manager to the port selected in light burn, moved between the 3 USB-A ports , I have not tried the USB-c port. Right clicking the device button changes the port number ( at least in my case) when swapping between ports. I only have a single com port listed each time in device manager
why is it so hard to keep this software up and running?
You let Windows update. Windows messes with the runtime libraries. So you needed to install the latest set of files. Then you needed to reinstall the Lightburn executable so everything linked up properly.
None of this is the fault of Lightburn.
Please explain what issue you are now having. Are you still getting the fail to connect situation? If so, there is a common diagnostic procedure to determine the cause.
I have gotten it back working, I installed laserGRBL and it connected, so then when I went back to light burn all seemed well. Before that as stated before I did re-install the runtime files with no luck.
I do have to a question in regards to your " None of this is the fault of Lightburn" comment.
I have multiple programs that program radios, god knows how many Adobe programs, ect that do not have the issues that I have had with lightburn. So while the windows update may be the root of the issue, it seems that most other programs have figured out how to deal with windows updates.
At the risk of fanning the flames of an argument, I have used Windows since there was Windows for DOS. I have experienced many times where applications ceased to function after a Windows update. Even worse, I was a Windows programmer and understood what was happening behind the scenes.
How many of those programs of yours deal with the variety of output formats without the help of the originator of those formats. I have not had a single issue with Lightburn updates over the last two years. I now have my third laser and each was a no-hassle installation.
The port number should not change unless you have multiple ports fighting for the same USB connector. This is controlled entirely by Windows. Lightburn only tries to use what was offered, same as the laser. What you described sounds like a communication issue. If you had read the Forum posts, you would see 99% of the Windows USB connections are cable related. We often recommend purchasing a quality shielded and with ferrites cables. You did not mention if this was one of your checks.
I understand you being exasperated. If everyone used all the same programs and operating systems, there would be little need for conversations like this.
The right clicking the devices button changes the port number, was in relation to swapping usb ports. Once I swap the cable to different port the right click updates to the new port associated with that usb connection.
I have had issues with 1.7.X, first I could not connect to my fiber without unplugging the usb cable at the back of the unit. Then every version of after created more issue. Then the update to 1.7.04 being able to connect was impossible. I tried everything that I know how to do but nothing worked. I have tried everything that has been suggested on this forum that I felt I could do without making a bigger mess. Everything else works after the Win update including my Bambu 3D printer. I have uninstalled every version all the way back to .09.X, nothing works. I dragged out an old pc (hasn’t been plugged in for 2 years) that was running.09, I updated lightburn one step at a time and worked until I loaded 1.7.X. I went back one step at a time and still would not load until I went back to 1.6.X. So I am trying to run 3 lasers on and old pc (win 8 updated to win 10). I have been able to get the om tech fiber laser and the Roly diode laser running. I have not been able to get my Laguna PL1220 to connect via Ethernet cable (I have tried cables from cat 5-7). I am so frustrated I have ordered a business hp mini computer just to run the 3 lasers and WILL NOT be plugged into the internet so updates will not be happening once I get them working. I have been down since the win update with no real fix to the issue. I have been a lightburn user for at least for 6 years. My co2 is so old I am not sure what software is needed to load it on the new pc when it arrives. When it look at what port it is trying to use it shows “auto”, is that because I am using the Ethernet cable to connect? I haven’t tried to connect via usb but I will. I am lost at this point.
Yes multiple times. As indicated in the post I am comfortable doing some things but digging around in the guts of the system is over my head. Because lightburn seems to be the only program affected I thought it easier to by a mini computer and only have lightburn on it. The affected pc has all my work for the last 5 years, lightburn, aspire, fusion, Bambu labs, tinker cad and the list goes on. I don’t want to do something that might affect the working programs. I have spent 5 days so far trying to read and work thru this. My hopes are that someone will figure this issue out and things will go back to normal. I do believe it is on the windows side but there is something in the lightburn file that windows doesn’t like. I even removed the last 2 updates in windows with no benefits.
I used to run all 3 lasers on my windows 11 machine, now I can’t connect to any of them. every time I try to open lightburn it can’t. After 5 days of trying everything I thought I could do without messing things up more than than they all ready are.
OK, so Lightburn is opening, but it will not connect to any of the 3 lasers you have, correct?
Are you able to open and work with any of your design files?
I know you said you’ve tried everything, but you didn’t specify what everything entails. Did you try loading a preferences backup file from before the updates? Did you try deleting the current preferences files and restarting Lightburn?
moving ports ect did not solve the issue. I tried to connect using LaserGRBL on an off chance it worked and it connected an immediately gave an error. But after that I was able to connect using light burn. Guessing the other program re-established something the LB install file did not. WHen I have this issue again I will try to remeber to report back if the same thing fixes it.
Have you tried disabling the Windows firewall or any antivirus temporarily to see if it’s blocking the connection? Also, testing the USB-C port might be worth a shot sometimes they handle connections differently.
Update: I have lightburn 1.7.04 running on a old windows 8 that was updated to windows 10 but has not had any windows updates in 2 years. i loaded lightburn version 0.9.x and it ran. So then i installed lightburn updates one at a time, it is currently running the latest version of lightburn 1.7.04 with no issues. i was able to reinstall the software that came wwith my OM Tech 80 watt fiber and the Roly Automation MK 1 diode laser. I also set up me Laguna PL1220 40 watt CO2 manually and have that running on the Ethernet cable as prefered
So i can say that the issues is not lightburns fault but it will not play nice with the latest windows update.