No current output

Started a project on 3… baltic plywood but it is not printing and shows no current while going through the motions of printing. Worked fine yesterday.

Need more info. What laser are you working with? Show a screenshot of your entire lightburn screen with your project, cuts/layers and laser panel visible.

took a jpg using Greenshot but cannot

attach to email

You did not let us know what laser you have, but from what I can see it’s probably a longer ray. Please provide the info for verification, including how many watts it outputs.

Nevertheless, you are attempting to engrave at 100 mm/sec and only 10% power. I would not expect to see anything at those settings. That equals 6,000 mm/min which is a fairly fast speed for engraving and 10% does not engrave anything on my machine unless I run super slow. Change your settings to mm/min and run a test pattern to get an idea of what your machine is capable of. Settings Menu (Gears Icon) Units and Grids Tab.

40W K40+ Laser/Engraver/Cutter

@thelmuth is correct. I am marking bamboo with 40w, 3000mm/m, and 30% power. Have you tried to use the Lightburn Material Test tool?