NO files in the library or the material's menus

There are no files in the Materials and Library menus.Any ideas. Thank yyou yours woodman.

… Does that mean that the data you have created in the Art and Material Library is gone?, or is it the libraries’ location you are missing?

thanks for your reply, much appreciated.i do have the menus but they have no content. I have not created any files as yet. I was under the impression that they would be loaded automatically, particularly the materials menu. Yours Woodman.

OK, understood. No, you have to fill the content of the library yourself or see if you can buy any content online. For art library it is ok, but material libraries do not fit 2 machines. It predicts 100% similar materials and 100% similar machines, it does not exist and you will be disappointed to have paid money for it. However, you can use someone else’s material library as a starting point to find your own values ​​for the different materials, but at least they must be made for the same machine type with the same nominal power.


Many thanks for your reply. Last Q, IF I input a material say 0.6 wood veneer or oak would it recognise the characteristic of the material or is it irrelavant because you are using your own criteria force , speed etc to cut or engrave. I have just bought a new machine and very unsure ising it. Many thanks for you time yours woodman

The name you give the “Material Name” is entirely up to you.

Take a look at the documentation here: Material Library - LightBurn Documentation

To get started with a new laser and new material, I recommend to do some Material Tests

It actually works very simply and nicely
You decide which layer you want to assign the properties from your library, whether it is engraving or cutting and press assign.
That is why you also have to be careful with purchased data, it may not be correct and can sometimes be downright “dangerous” if you do not check it carefully.

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You can use the settings from this table as a good starting point: Machine Details – Sculpfun

thanks for your help much appreciated yours woodman

Maybe also read through this, which should give some idea of how settings work: Settings guide - Diode Laser Wiki

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