No inline settings


I use Lightburn V 1.2.01 and a Snapmaker A350T.

The engraving is very slow.
The laser allways stops wenn its fireing.

I would like to try the inline Mode, but I do not have the setting to activate this mode:

Can you tell me, how to turn on inline?



Inline is only available in the Marlin profile.

Push Devices button Laser window. Then click on the name of your laser and push Edit. Modify the device type to Marlin and then keep proceeding until comple.

@berainlb ,

thanks, in Marlin I can trun on inline.

When inline is activated, the Snapmaker ist not fireing.
Do you have an idea what I can do?

I can fire with the buttom, but its noch fiering when it shows the frame and when its engraving.



Are you sure that the firmware in your snapmaker is Marlin?

Not certain about your specific machine but Snapmaker has it’s own device profile which is what you’d normally want to use.

Are you certain your firmware supports Inline function?

If so, you might be able to hack a solution but it would require manual g-code tweaking.

See here:

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