Upgraded to the latest version for my fiber laser and now when I try to frame to get my workpiece aligned I keep getting the message that no layers are set to out put even though they are set to output and showare in the cuts/layers panel. I’ve tried quite a few times but no luck yet… Am I missing something?
i also noticed in my software for my diode that whenever I try to paste an image into Lightburn it crashes. I used to be able to do it.
What is the exact wording of this message? You may need to take a look at the ‘Laser’ window and check the ‘Cut Selected Graphics’ setting state.
I have the cut selected obects turned on and the message box says you have no layers set to output. When I import the ai file it comes in grouped and when I try to frame that only part of it will frame. When I ungroup it and try to frame just my alignment parts that’s when I get that message and no framing. will happen.
Hmmm … I redid the file in Illustrator (although I could find nothing wrong with it) renamed it, imported that and now the framing works.
Not sure what happened but I can now get to work on this project. Perhaps I should delete this post?
We can, yet I am not sure that we have resolved the following:
Are you still experiencing this? If so, please explain in steps, so we can try to reproduce here.
I’ll get to that a bit later when I finish with this grave marker I’m doing with my fiber. Basically I often copy an image I find that I want to trace in Lightburn and paste it iinto LB. I then export the trace to open in Illustrator for work on it… Now it seems pasting into LB makes the program crash. I got around it by saving the image to my computer then importing itwnich works, just an added step.
LightBurn should not crash. We would like to see any crash report produced. Which version of LightBurn? OS? We have not received reports of this previously, so yes, if this happens again, we would like to get as many details as possible, so we can try to reproduce here.
OK, just tried it a half dozen more times. I copy a jpg pic from a website and when I try to paste it into Lightburn to trace it quits. I don’t get a report for Lightburn but I do get a box asking if I’d like to send a report of the crash to Apple. This is happening on my older 2012 Macbook Pro. Running Lightburn 1.4.03
edit to add Reinstalled Lightburn 1.2.01 and now it works fine. I can paste an image in with no problem. I suspect it might be my older mac not liking the new upgrade. I’m fine with the older version of LB. All of the newer things that 1.4.03 can do I’ve been doing in Illustrator anyway.
You should also be able to view this crash report as well. Then you can copy and paste into an email to support@lightburnsoftware.com for review. Glad you are up and running. We would like to track this down if we can.
Not sure where I’d view a crash report. Nothing appeared when Lightburn quit except the one about sending a a report to Apple. Is that the one you mean? I could run 1.4.03 again but where would I find a report when it quits when I try to paste an image? Appreciate your help.
Yes. If presented, click the ‘Report’ button to review.
Additionally, you should be able to access from Console. Go to Finder > Applications > Utilities > Console. As you open Console, select Crash Reports from the list on the left.
OK … that was interesting. First time in a great many years of using macs that I’ve ever opened the Console and had a look. Found the crash reports for LB and copied the latest from today. Pasted that into a Text Edit file and will now email that to LB support. I’ll title the email LB Crash Report so you can be on the lookout for it.
Thank you. Please also include a link to this post for context.
OK … have done that.
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