Non trovo JCZFiber (I can't find JCZFiber)

Salve ho fatto tutta la procedura per installare il driver Laser Mark Control Board V4 [USB]
ma Lightburn non riesce a trovare il mio Laser fibra 30w e nemmeno manualmente riesco ad installarlo perche nella lista dei controller non c’è JCZFiber. Come posso fare? Grazie

Hi I have done all the procedure to install the Laser Mark Control Board V4 [USB] driver
but Lightburn can’t find my 30w fiber laser and I can’t even manually install it because there is no JCZFiber in the controller list. How can I do? Thank you

Support for Galvo requires a license. Are you using the trial, or you currently license LightBurn? :slight_smile:

ho una licenza lightburn attiva perche la utilizzo con il mio laser CO2 50w, che funziona benissimo

I have an active lightburn license because I use it with my 50w CO2 laser, which works great

You will need to add support for Galvo to have access. We recommend using the trial to ensure compatibility and satisfaction, prior to spending money on this addition. We want to make sure thing will work for you first. :slight_smile:

Once you are ready, this is where you can purchase the Galvo addition,

And our documentation to help you get going,

OK non avevo capito che bisognava acquistare il supporto alla licenza grazie

OK I didn’t understand that you had to buy license support thanks.

ok ho acquistato il supporto Galvo e ho installato il controller JCZFiber, ho caricato la configurazione dalla cartella PLUG dalla cartella di EZCAD, ma il laser fibra risulta sempre disconnesso

ok I bought the Galvo support and I installed the JCZFiber controller, I loaded the configuration from the PLUG folder from the EZCAD folder, but the fiber laser is always disconnected

You may be dealing with an issue with getting the correct driver installed and used. The following is worth review, “zadig-based-driver-swap”

salve ho fatto la procedura con il programma Zadiag ma nella casella Driver c’è scritto WinUSB (v6.1.7600.16385) e non LMCV2U

hi I did the procedure with the Zadiag program but in the Driver box it says WinUSB (v6.1.7600.16385) and not LMCV2U

schermata zdiag
schermata dispositivi

ho rifatto tutta la procedura installando il driver V2 che era nella cartella del produttore del laser, ho rifatto la procedura di installazione del driver EzCad2 dalla cartella “C:\Programmi\LightBurn\EzCad2Driver” ma Lightburn continua a non collegarsi, allora ho fatto la procedura con Zadig e nella casella Driver compare “Lmcv2u (v5.0.1636.1)” ho avviato il cambio del driver che è avvenuto con successo, ma Lightburn continua a non connettersi con il laser. Cosa posso fare? Grazie

I redid the whole procedure by installing the V2 driver which was in the laser manufacturer folder, I redid the EzCad2 driver installation procedure from the “C:\Program Files\LightBurn\EzCad2Driver” folder but Lightburn still does not connect, so I did the procedure with Zadig and “Lmcv2u (v5.0.1636.1)” appears in the Driver box. I started the driver change which was successful, but Lightburn still does not connect with the laser. What can I do? Thank you

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