Normal current through ammeter, low laser output

Mines a 45W and glows pink when operating.

28mA is what my chart shows as full current, did the manufacturer advise you of the maximum working current?

The way these work, is the laser power supply (lps) raises the voltage on the tube until it reaches what’s known as the trigger voltage. This starts the tube lasing. There is no current flow if the tube doesn’t lase.

I’d suggest check the tubes TEM mode of operation at M1 and see if it complies with TEM00 mode.

There’s no simple way to determine if the tube or lps has failed, but in your case, it sounds like the tube.

I’ve seen brand new tube fail in the operational mode after just being installed.

Most of the time, RECI tubes of this size have a 10k hour MTBF.

Try this link to evaluate your TEM mode.
