Not accurate workspace dimension

Hello Everyone, I has bought a 50 w fiber laser recently, with 430 f theta lens (a.k.a 300x300mm lens). shortly, i calibrated my focal length and so on to create a perfect 300x300 mm square and it works. unfortunately, when i create 250, 200, 100, 50 square, there is always minus 2 mm minus on boundary (like 248mm and so on). I tried some tiral and error by change galvo software axis, using both ez cad and lightburn. but yes, they has made a same consclusion and problem. Iam really hope i was miss something on software part instead do something or buy another lens for my machine. is there any suggestion maybe?

edited: my apologize, i should mention that i used SG7110 galvo head on my machine

In the EZCad2 software disk is the machine/lens setup file (markcfg7). You have the option of importing this when you create the device. That should give you a proper correction.

You can go back through the device setup and chose Edit, then import only the markcfg7 file and click through the previous settings. As far as I know you’ll likely lose your settings you modified, depending on how you did the changes.

It’s possible that I’m not following you…


I has already put ez cad2 configuration (markcfg7) on my device connection and some galvo configuration. is there any possibility if the problem come from the hardware part?

edited: maybe if you have similar lens like me (300mm x 300mm), you can send your configuration as an trial. or you can check my current setting on this post attachment image

If you changed any of the glavo parameters, then you changed how that lens was aligned at the factory.

The possibility always exists for a hardware failure, however, it’s uncommon and unusual. From the fact you can set it up, I’d eliminate the hardware failure as part of the issue.

Each lens is different, or there would be no need to configure the lens, as they all would be the same. However, here is mine for my F420mm lens.

Remove the .txt extension when you download it as it has no extension.

markcfg7.txt (10.2 KB)


I has open your mark configuration, but it was make a curve shape. changed some of your configuration with my lens calibration into 300 mm square. but it was back again like what i used to be. it seems there is no another way to calibrate this machine from another configuration.

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Any way, when i was calibrated my machine with 9 points methoded, there was explain that i should use max workspace around 95% of my lens, so it should be around 285 mm

So, lets say i was using 300 mm lens fiber laser. So the max outer scan that i can use for my fiber laser workspace is 285 mm for precision dimension?, is that how it works?

This video should explain the process and answer most of the questions you have asked so far: