Not engraving wood

I think all the info about my laser and computer will be at the top of this, I’m not tech savvy at all so bare with me.

I followed the set up with the usb that came with the laser and downloaded GRBL and lightburn. Lightburn seemed more user friendly so I’ve been mainly trying to use it. I’ve got it connected, and the laser itself will move over the project but it’s not doing anything on the project. (You can see the light on the material) I’ve tried wood, leather and even paper. I’ve noticed the min/max power are both at zero, but they’re greyed out so I can’t change them. What settings do I need to change or check to make them accessible? TIA. Sorry if you need more information, just tell me what to tell you and I’ll do my best.

FOCUS that laser for your distance. The laser is very sensitive to being too close or to far away from the material.

Follow the Lightburn grbl setup to ensure you have the values of $30 and S Value max to the same value.

On grbl, I think you only have minimum/maximum power for an image using grayscale…

As @JimNM suggested, might want to do a ramp test to ensure of your focus point… a number of these have been found that the focus isn’t what the manufacturer states… shipping or jarring can dislodge some of the parts inside the laser… changing the focus point… it’s also possible that you have a variable focus laser module…

This is from the Louisiana hobby guy, but it shows how to do a ramp test…

Good luck


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