Not framing correctly

I recently switched from a Mac to Windows 11 and failed and didn’t copy all my settings over. Now my Xtool D1 Pro is not framing correctly. I appears there is some kind of weird offset and the cut itself is happening 20-30 millimeters to the left of where the laser frames.

Any help would be awesome!

This is most likely because you didn’t set a pointer offset in Edit->Device Settings.

However, you should really use the .lbdev file provided by xTool to setup your device.

Operate xTool D1 Pro with LightBurn - xTool Support Center

I did use the .lbdev file to set up the lease when. I switched systems, which is why I am so confused. I had zero issues when using a Mac OS.

Are you using the red crosshairs or the blue diode as your reference?

Can you take screenshots of Edit->Device Settings from both computers please?

I have the setting activated that uses the actual laser for framing. Frames exactly where I want it, but then moves over 20-30 mm when the job actually starts.

Then in that case you need to disable the Pointer Offset in Edit->Device Settings.

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