Not framing where expected

Hello, I habe the xtool d1 non pro and I run it on the Devil1. I habe had the same issue just started yesterday. After I align everything and frame it, it starts about 5mm to the right and down. I am new to all of these setting things Is there a way to fix this and can you please explain it in layman terms :grin:pretty please amd thank you.

Your post deserves its own Topic so moved it here.

Can you provide the following:

  1. Full screenshot of LightBurn with your design loaded and ready to frame
  2. Screenshot of Edit->Device Settings
  3. Are you using the red crosshairs or blue laser for your alignment/framing?
  4. Run these commands one line at a time in Console and return the full output:
1 Like

Ok I will get those asap

Using Red Crosshairs

Waiting for connection…

Project loaded in 105 milliseconds

Waiting for connection…

�ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57


configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee


mode:DOUT, clock div:1





entry 0x400806a8

[MSG:Using machine:LKS DLC32]

[MSG:Mist coolant on pin GPIO(4)]

Grbl 1.1 [‘$’ for help]

Your Grbl may not support Variable Power mode (M4)

If your laser does not turn off between cuts,

switch to the GRBL-M3 device


[MSG:Local access point Laser_ started,]

[MSG:HTTP Started]

[MSG:TELNET Started 8080]

[MSG:‘$H’|‘$X’ to unlock]

Grbl 1.1 [‘$’ for help]

[MSG:‘$H’|‘$X’ to unlock]

[MSG:Caution: Unlocked]







[MSG:Using machine:LKS DLC32]

[MSG:Mode=STA:SSID=:Status=Not connected:IP=]













[MSG:Using machine:LKS DLC32]


















































































BTW I did not put the = in the command, that is just for a reference point in the response.

I don’t see anything in the controller configuration that would be an issue.

Two things that stand out:

  1. You are using Current Position as your Start From mode in Laser window. Is this how you typically work and are you familiar with the behavior in that scenario?
  2. With the red crosshairs, you have a -16 mm offset configured to handle this. This means that the laser will move 16 mm left when burning in contrast to framing. Are you familiar with this?

If neither of these can account for the behavior you’re seeing can you make a video showing the setup and problem? Note that you will need to host the video externally and link here in that case.

Yes I am familiar with both of those, I have been using this set up for a year. I will attach the video.

Thank you so much for your help. Idk if it is due to an update but the last update I did I believe was over a week ago and this just started??? Do you want to see the other windows in the Device settings?


Looks like the video isn’t publicly viewable. Can you review the permissions?

I’m not aware of any dramatic change in the update that would be causing this and I haven’t seen reports from others showing anything similar. It’s very likely something local to your conditions but let’s find out.

Yes i will

Ok I have opened it

This is what I get when attempting to view the video.

Excellent video. You show the problem clearly.

Can you do this please.

With your setup exactly as you have it and ready to burn can you push “Save gcode”, save to a file with .txt extension, then upload the file here?

Also, try one other thing. Can you disable the pointer offset in Edit->Device Settings, then align with the blue diode laser, and then check results? It’s possible that the pointer offset has drifted and requires a different adjustment.

The gcode file and the test should tell us if that’s the case.

1 Like

Will do thank you!

I turned off the pointer offset, but I use the Devil1 kit so I also had to switch the pointer off on the hardware. And, U r a genius! It lined up perfectly with the blue laser test! So how do I fix that please?

my Pencil Jig.txt (910 Bytes)

The gcode is a little hard to interpret because of the rounded corners of the design but I think it seems okay.

Based on your pointer offset test this is what I recommend:

  1. Reenable the pointer offset
  2. Position the laser based on the crosshairs
  3. In LightBurn design either a small dot or an X shape that you will subsequently burn
  4. Set the job origin to center and burn the design where the crosshairs are pointing
  5. Measure the vertical and horizontal distance from the crosshair position to the center of the burned design
  6. Add those numbers to the pointer offset in Edit->Device Settings. So if the Y burn position is 1 mm higher than the crosshair position, add that to the pointer offset. Same for X position, simply add the value to the existing value there.
  7. Retest and readjust until these align
1 Like

Awesome thank you so very much I will get to that as soon as I can I’m sure it will fix it!