I recently acquired an ORTUR LM2 (10W) Pro S2 engraver and after assembly. downloaded Lightburn (trial version) software, to operate it. I watched a pile of UTUBE videos on using light burn, then began to learn and use it. I got my laser connected and working. I did a couple of small key/name tags, then got a pop up that read “There was a problem sending data to the laser. The machine may be busy or paused”.
I’ve read other posts on this forum that deal with this issue and tried several of the possible solutions, but have not been able to solve it. It doesn’t matter which USB connection I use, it doesn’t connect…… Help.
I am not a computer guy, but have gotten by ok in the past (up until now). I downloaded this software because I wanted to learn what I understand to be the industry standard. I think I’m learning the software ok, but have this technical (I think) issue to get past.
I hope you can help me here, as my next step (without some assistance), is to remove this software and go with something simpler.
The problem is usually a loss of connection, bad cable no port selected etc. If the case using a different software will not fix it.
Your laser window showing auto for port would suggest there is no port selected.
What you are getting is an OS problem. Until the system gives Lightburn a USB port to work with, it cannot talk to the laser controller board.
There are a lot of MAC related postings in the Forum for USB connection issues.
Not saying this is your solution, but it will give you some idea on what to search for. If you cannot find a solution, come back and a MAC-savvy user might be able to help.
I wasn’t sure how t osee your ports on monterey, so I used the power of that there Google.
To see USB devices on a Mac running Monterey, you can use System Information or Finder.
Using System Information
Open System Information
Expand the Hardware section in the sidebar
Click USB
Using Finder
Open Finder
Look under the Locations heading
Select the USB device to access its content
Plug and unplug your laser and refresh the screen each time. Your laser should appear and disappear in the window. If it does not appear you have a bad USB Cable, problem with your machine controller or some other anomaly. If your Mac cannot see the laser, Lightburn can’t connect.
If it does appear and disappear with connection, take note of the port and look for that port in Lightburn, in the laser tab, next to your laser name.
I selected USB PORT for connection (instead of auto) and it worked right away. Thank you so much for your advice… all of you! I’m finding this forum to be a great wealth of information, regarding this new endeavour of mine. I appreciate you all being here for me.
The propane tanks are empty and they were not in my house. They were in my garage (where the laser is located), but have been moved outside now, out of the weather. Thank you all for looking out for my welfare, as well as the assistance you provided me in solving my situation. It’s all appreciated.
Propane works in a factory because there is a huge volume of air compared to a house, shed, or mobile home. The propane will disperse before reaching the explosive mixture ratio. OSHA sets the standards.
Have you checked the port it trying to use, my computer always defalts to port 8 and I have to change it to port 3 before lightburn will sent it data to the laser.
Sorry,bout that!
That was my problem too when I first started using LB.
If you look to the right on the ‘Cuts & Layers’ tab, towards the bottom you’ll see the 'COM Port it’s connected to.
I installed CH34x_Install_Windows to get my laser and Lightburn talking.
When I connected I’ve set up the laser to talk to the SW on COM6, so I click the drop down and change to COM6 on startup.
I use my laptop for other things, using other Com Ports.
I don’t know if you can do this on a Mac. But try to find the device settings for the com port your using, try to take to take it off auto and pic a port… On that port max out the baud rate.