Not seeing Rudia controller in new device wizard

I recently purchased a Omtech 80w machine, I believe it has a ruida controller and I was looking to connect it via USB. When I restart the laser windows does chime and detect the device (USB Serial Port (Com7) pops up).

However when I try Find My Laser nothing seems to pop up. I read through the forums for a bit and saw a manual installation was recommended in this case, so I went to install manually howver I am not seeing the Ruida controller within the “pick your laser or controller from the list” pictured below:

What should I be selecting here? Can anyone point me in the right direction?

You have to purchase a dsp license for the Ruida… you can check by…

Clicking Help → License Management, the gui will have your licensed types of controllers…

If you did that, check at the license portal to see if it’s there…

Good luck with the big new machine… might want to update your profile and add the new machine…

Have fun


That fixed it! Thank you so much, was scratching my head at that for a while.

Once I get this thing fully running I’ll have to update the profile :smiley: thanks again!

Did you need a license?

What method did you use to discover you were missing the dsp license…

Only asking for others that come along later… I’ll mark it solved…

Have fun :wink:


We’re opening a new section for License related posts. This is an excellent example. Glad it’s resolved. Thanks @jkwilborn for your efforts here.

Under license Management like you mentioned, I only had Gcode not Gcode, DSP, Galvo as your screenshot showed. Your explanation was perfect :slight_smile:


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