So, I tried my first cut after the update and got 2 or 3 major errors.
1 The bottom portion of my cut failed to cut at all
2 When I tried to fix the job by changing the bottom to a different layer and cutting only that portion, the file started at the top ignoring the rest of the file showing as OUTPUT no
The speed issue may have been just that. I was using the rotary just before, but made sure that it was disabled before I started the job in question. (it is normal speed now having changed nothing)
Any leads as to why the bottom of my cuts failed to show? Or why the cut started at the top even though it was selected Output off?
You have “Cut selected Graphics” chosen. That overrides the Output flag for the layers.
For the bottom part, if you were in rotary mode and didn’t reset the controller after switching it off, it might not have updated the machine extents. It’s hard for me to tell, but you’re really close to the honeycomb there, and you have “use selection origin” and “current position” set as your “start from” setting. Is it possible that you were just too close to the bottom of the bed and it cut that off as a result?