I have an Ortur LM2 Pro S2, and recently when i try to import some specific .ai files into lightburn, it fails to import (Nothing appears in the workspace) And i get the console readout “Nothing imported”
It is unpredictable, but happens repeatedly with specific files. I’ve yet to find any pattern these files have in common.
I’ve found some awkward workarounds. By copying the contents of my broken .ai file into another existing .ai file, deleting the files previous shapes/paths, and then saving it, it magically works.
Renaming the broken file doesn’t seem to do anything, and the files open in illustrator normally.
Does anybody know what might cause this? Thankyou for any help
I included a working and broken copy of two different files that this happens with repeatedly, some other files have shared the same problem in the past but Ive deleted them. I could probably fish them out of the recycling bin later if more examples would be useful.
Hope this helps, let me know if theres any other info i can provide
Added another file that had the same issue this morning. Fixed the same way as the others, by copy pasting the exact same document into a working file, deleting whatever was in that working file so only what i pasted was left, and saving. Such a weird issue, it feels like im going to the same house repeatedly on halloween in a slightly different costume.
Added a third, just seems to happen with every single file. I’ve been fixing each one by copy pasting it into the “circletest_but_itworks.ai” file, deleting the circle, and saving it with the filename i want. baffling
Welp, I solved it myself. The problem was using no fill on any shapes or lines in my files.
I did this because I am using illustrator for somewhat precise 2D CAD work, and i noticed when my strokes had width, sometimes lightburn would actually do both sides of the stroke, rather than one line down the middle. Also, illustrator includes the width of the stroke lines in the dimensions of a path/shape, which threw off dimensions. So, i was using the performance mode Ctrl+Y to do all my work with zero fill or stroke.
By giving all my shapes fill, it appears to fix the problem. Fortunately it doesnt need stroke so it still works as needed to keep dimensions consistent.
It looks like the “broken” files are empty. I opened in both InkScape and another editor called Affinity Designer to find nothing contained within. Which application and version was used to generate these files? Is the same app used to produce both the working and non-working files?
I note, even the preview of your shared drive does not show anything in the broker files folder, yet the folder with working files does preview content in those files.
Per my last reply, they appear empty because I set all the paths to have zero stroke width and no fill, because of how illustrator treats dimensions of shapes. If you try and select all, there should be paths that appear?
I’ve never used inkscape or affinity designer before, so I’m not sure if the files would carry over properly to those programs. In illustrator, my canvas appears empty until I turn on performance mode with Ctrl+Y.
Regardless, I have determined the problem was that zero stroke/fill thing. Adding fill fixes it without screwing the dimensions up.