Nozzle alignment tool

I made these from a post I had seen a while back, so kudos to the original designer
I dont know who it is…

These help you align the nozzle mirror for center beam dot.
The nozzle drops into one of the holes for alignment.

I made two types one is a little thicker for handling…

use a piece of painters blue tape on the bottom when you press the PULSE
button and fire the ‘dot’ you can see if it is centered…

Attached are the two .STL files (remove the .TXT to use )

NozzleCenterTest1.stl.txt (29.6 KB)
NozzleCenterTest2.stl.txt (38.9 KB)

Not understanding how this is used. Can you provide photos or a diagram please?

This is one I got, years ago, from Russ Sadler… still use it. I cut it out of acrylic, like Russ did.

Beam Checker 2.lbrn2 (12.2 KB)

Tape on the back, then you just put the hole over the nozzle tip and where it naturally centers, then pulse the machine.

You can see it in this video at about 32:40.


Ok, I think I understand now. You lay this on the bed and place the nozzle into it with tape on the tool. The shape and multiple holes confused me. I was trying to figure out how this fits in any of the roundish mirror holes and how it would work.

noe, it’s only for the nozzle and you have four shots before you have to load again :wink: (I would mean)

Thanks Jack :slight_smile: (you have a good memory)
I’ve watched so may of Russ’ videos I must have seen this on one of his…
could not remember where as I mentioned ,but finally got around to making one
from memory…

I tried mine out this morning and to my surprise last time I aligned my ‘shot’
it was still ‘dead center’ ( I was smiling ) good way to start the day !

Merry Christmas To All !



Got you fooled :face_with_spiral_eyes:


:slight_smile: that is easy these days…


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