Nullpunkt einstellen

Hallo, ich würde gerne meine Anlage so einstellen, dass der Laser oben links “parkt”. Ich habe schon alle Möglichkeiten, die ich gefunden habe durchprobiert. Egal was ich einstelle, drücke ich den Homebutton fährt der Laser nach vorne rechts. Ich habe Lightburn 1.7.04 und einen TwoTrees TS55-Pro.

Hello, I would like to set up my system so that the laser “parks” at the top left. I have already tried all the options I have found. No matter what I set, when I press the home button the laser moves to the front right. I have Lightburn 1.7.04 and a TwoTrees TS55-Pro.

The home position is where your laser has home switches, you can easily create/save a position in the Move window to move the laser to where you want, also you can create a macro in the console window. Always after homing the laser so that the controller knows where is X0Y0.


I installed limit switches at the back and changed all the settings I found accordingly. The laser still moves forward.

That is because it is where the controller expects them to be. If possible, you will have to edit some GRBL parameters to make the change.

Not only will you have to update GRBL, you will also have to make adjustments to your coordinate system. I recommend you just add a macro button to “Retract” the laser to get it out of the way. That is what I did.
G0 X50 Y275 (use your own Y-position here)


Explain a little bit more. You have the limit switches top-left, but the laser homes to the wrong position? You need to make sure the movement settings are correct and then change the $23 parameter accordingly.