Offset Fill in Version 1.2 may hang

Just installed V. 1.2.
Layer Mode not fully translated in DE (line / fill / offset fill)

Offset fill hangs at 38% an “cancel” won’t work. (OK, its a crazy form for filling but fill (standard) works)

My setup hangs when I run out of memory and the computer has to file swap on the hard drive. How large is the image you are trying to offset fill? Is it larger than your normal projects?

Hello James,
no, its a small but very unoptimized vektor image.
The less problem is offset filling. The mayor problem is that “cancel” won’t work and so i have to kill the whole LightBurn instance.

You can try it
Butterfly.dxf (146.0 KB)

Try fill - then try offset fill

Ok, I have looked at the butterfly. I will try the burn tomorrow after work.
In the mean time;

Does your image crash on the laser and the preview, or just the laser?

Does the burn crash when you isolate just the blue layer or just the red layer?

How large are you making the engrave? My machine chokes on large image processing but most of the time it will work out the path if I leave it alone for a few minutes. Worst case was over 10 mins, though. I my first thought is that you are running out of memory during the optimization process.

Ok, I think I found it. The red layer set to offset-fill has stopped at 38%. I will let it think a while and see how it comes out.

My machine locks up and the progess bar boucnes from 38% to 39% and the cancel button does not clear the process. Confirmed your problem 100%. I will try to mess with the red layer to see if I can find the problem.

As I suspected, this is a memory issue.

I had PARTIAL success cutting the butter fly in half and generating only half the preview at a time (did not get screen shot yet.) I will try half butterfly on red and half on green layers so see if I can find a way to make it play nicely. -

The issue was messy intersections in the body of the bug. - bottom half would offset ok, but the jumble in the body caused the memory to crash.

These messy intersections are my suspects.

After cleaning up the messy overlaps, the red layer does offset-fill without cutting in half/

Both red and blue

cleaned up and ready for print

redBfly clean.lbrn2 (109.5 KB)

Yes i agree. This Vector-Butterfly is crap. I found it at a Website and viewed from a distance it looks good.
I cutted some from poplar plywood, sprayed paint with metallic effects and its a funny decoration.

I think LightBurn should check the image a few seconds an then let popup “won’t fill!”

Thank you for your help and don’t waste your time with messy drawn butterflies.

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