I’m doing a bunch of shape offsets here, and I noticed some discrepancies. It appears to go a bit haywire when offsetting a bunch of stuff at once, which also includes some very small shapes.
Here you can see the little black engraved part that’s getting offset is causing the offset function to freak out a bit.
Oddly enough, I don’t see an issue with this. Can you post the settings you used for the offset tool? I have been doing work in a number of the under-the-hood tools used for path ordering and optimization, so it’s feasible that I’ve fixed whatever this was, but I’d like to verify. I’ve added you to the beta group - I should have a new build posted before too long (possibly next week, as I’m out of town this weekend, but I’ll try before then).
That’s .125 inches btw. As a side note, it’s not immediately obvious which mode you’re in, in regards to other input boxes such as this one. I don’t even know if that needs to be addressed, but it tripped me up a couple times. Maybe I’m just slow.