I just want to make an outer line around my graphic but the offset function starts calculating every complex point in my selection before I can tell it I just want outer shapes. Two weeks later… (slightly exaggerating) my intel i9 12th gen still hasn’t finished calculating offset of all the stuff I don’t even want it to calculate. is there a way to toggle whether to offset immediately when the dialog box is open or to have a generate button so I don’t grow a beard before I am able to tell it what I want it to offset? I like beards, but I have deadlines.
Are you confusing SHAPE offset and OFFSET FILL?
My older generation computer can choke on complex shapes when set to OFFSET FILL. The 4-H clover is NOT gonna happen in offset fill .
I have never had a problem with SHAPE OFFSET.
Look for a button on the left side with an O (think Ohio State) in it. → ←
The offset dialogue remembers the previous settings. What if you take a simple “dummy” shape and offset that with the same settings that you want to use on a more complex shape, then when you use it to offset your complex shape you won’t have to wait for it calculating an offset you’re not interested in. Does that make sense?
Hope this helps.
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