Snapmaker Artisan 40W Diodenlaser, Lightburn 1.4.05, Connection via USB stick
Hi My name is Andi and I’m also a complete beginner when it comes to the whole topic of lasers.
I have now received a new 40W laser for my Snapmaker Artisan. But now a problem has arisen that never existed before with the 10W laser. It seems like one of the layers has an offset in the X axis. As you can see in the pictures, there is an offset of the engraving to the left in the ‘‘BIKER’’ picture. The same thing with the test card there but only the first engraving line then everything fits. What’s also strange is that when aligning the workpiece, the maximum range is not adhered to, i.e. the small engraved ‘‘biker’’ was engraved on the left beyond the actual specified area on another attempt. I then designed the last ‘‘Biker’’ with the black background in the manufacturer’s software and there were no problems.
I think I might have changed something… but I have no idea what…
No… I added a layer/fill with 1x1mm with 0% laser power in front of the actual first fill layers and that solved the problem… not optimal but it works.